Monday, August 8, 2011

The Week I Walked With God

Here is another powerful testimony of when John Marc and I met for the first time...

    I had just turned 35 years old. I was sitting in my new house that I had just purchased, with my new furniture, new rugs, etc.,  but no one to share it with. I was beginning to think I would always be alone and would never meet my soul mate. That night, my father came over because I was hosting a birthday party for my mom. Before he left, I remember sobbing and asking him to please pray that I would meet my mate because I was so incredibly lonely. I had dated many men but never "just knew" as they say. He said that he would diligently pray for me to meet my husband every day. Oh, the prayers of a righteous man avails much. My dad has since gone to be with the lord; but oh, how faithful his prayers were. He was praying as a father would for his daughter to meet a godly man. He prayed fervently every day and night for the next 3 weeks for me to meet my husband.

It was a crisp Fall day in October of 2001, when John Marc Green stepped into my office. I was working as a school counselor at Epic Magnet School in Birmingham. I was in charge of our annual "Say No To Drugs" campaign and had set up guest speakers to speak on drug awareness. The principal approached me, and said that a reporter from CBS 42 News was going to be interviewing me for the story on Red Ribbon Week.  I remember when she introduced me to John Marc I thought he looked too young for me ( I thought I was an old maid) even though he is only 4 years younger that me. I remember my father was standing right next to him when the principal introduced us, because Dad had brought a friend of his to be one of the guest speakers for the program. Now that I look back, I know that was God because he had placed my father and John Marc right next to each other as we met. Anyway, I remember when John Marc started speaking, his voice was so soothing and there was something different about his countenance. His eyes had a warmth to them and I was drawn to his level of maturity. I can't say it was love at first sight but there was definitely something different about this man. The story aired that night and I thought I would never see this man again.

Instead, he called "to see how I liked the story" and the rest is history. We dated for only 5 months before we were engaged. There were many spiritual moments where we felt God was in the middle of our relationship and was confirming that he had placed the two of us together. There was one particular moment that stands out the most. We were sitting outside the church we were attending at the time, under a huge cross with a lake behind it.  John Marc had tears in his eyes as he said "Mimi, look where we are sitting; we are sitting in the shadow of the cross."  I knew then that I was to marry him and that God would always be in the midst of us. When times get rough, we always remember the time when "we sat in the shadow of the cross." 

 We were married after the next 3 months with my father walking me down the aisle in tears. He knew, as I knew, that his faithful prayer for his daughter had been answered. But that is not the end of this story. About a week before I met John Marc, after my father started praying, I experienced one week of what I now know is "the anointing of the Holy Spirit."  I have never before experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit so strongly in my life. It was as if Christ were literally walking right alongside with me. I had an unspeakable joy.  I felt love immeasurably. People were asking me what had happened because I was just not myself. I was not doing anything differently. I was not taking any new medicine. I was just filled with the Holy Spirit and could not contain it. Never before had I experienced anything like this. It felt wonderful! This feeling lasted for about a week and then I met John Marc. The timing was unmistakable. I knew without a shadow of a doubt what God was telling me. He was telling me "Mimi, I am about to bring you your soul mate, the man that your father has been praying for.  But I never want you to forget what this feels like because it is greater that what any man on earth can give you...always remember that I am the one you can turn to when man lets you down, I will never fail  you, never forsake you. I am about to bring you the man that I hand-selected just for you, but don't forget what you and I shared the week we walked together."   

Psalm 37:4
Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.

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