Saturday, August 27, 2011

So Many Questions.....

(Post 2 From Jenny)

(The Guys with all the questions)

Today was our first day ministering to the kids at the first remand center we will visit. They greeted us with a song that was beautiful even though none of us understood a word of it. Then we went around the circle and introduced ourselves to all of the kids. They truly wanted to know about us which was so neat.

We taught them a couple of songs with motions which they enjoyed, and then shared the gospel with them….via translation. We then split in to groups and helped the kids make salvation bracelets….I was surprised by how many of them did not even know how to make a simple knot. They really loved the bracelets but enjoyed seeing us smile and talk to them even more.

I spoke with one boy who spoke great English. He said he had been in University before he came to the Remand center. He said he hopes to go back when he gets out. I hope he does. 

Then the fun began. Boys were constantly on the drums. The soccer balls came out and we played in the small strip of dirt that they have as their “play” area. Beach balls, balloons, kick balls all were flying through the air. The kids had a great time and so did the team.

As our time began to come to a close, 2 boys I will call M and H sat with me and began to ask me so many questions.

“Why are Americans so (motions with his hand out from his hips) fat?”
“They tell us that Americans eat snake and frogs. Is this true?”
“They tell us that if we come to America they will take us at the airport and question us and arrest us. Is this true?”
“Is it possible for a boy from Uganda to marry American woman”
“How can we ever make it to America?”
“Why does America have all things and are so rich, but we because we are brown are all so poor in this whole country?”
“What are the prisons for children like in America?”

The best answers I could come up with were pray because God can do anything and work hard to get your education. I know I probably left those boys with more questions than I did answers, but I hope that I gave them at least the smallest glimmer of…..hope.

It is amazing to me what a world opens up inside of these children with a simple smile and eye contact. One asked me why we would come to Uganda for vacation. I told him we were most certainly not on vacation and that we came because we care about him and God does too. I told him we were missionaries (they knew what that meant but I just think our group of women was not what they had pictured) and we want to pray for him and tell him about Jesus.
(Jenny, after I read this, this is the verse God showed me)
Ecclesiastes 12:10
The Teacher searched to find just the right words, and what he wrote was upright and true.

(All pictures by Jenny Clark)

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