Part One:
In 2008, my family began a season of trial and darkness. Thankfully, however, that season was often wrapped in hope and light. I've noticed that during the toughest times in my life is when I hunger and thirst for God's presence, providence, and power the most. Oh, I know He's always there with arms wide open continually trying to show me glimpses of Heaven; however, I tend to be so much more aware of His hand in my life during the difficult times. His voice does not leave you or I, but my receiver always works best during the trying periods. I tune in better during those times. I wanted to share with you a few of those precious times during 2008 and 2009 when I heard Him speak to me.
In 2008, my family began a season of trial and darkness. Thankfully, however, that season was often wrapped in hope and light. I've noticed that during the toughest times in my life is when I hunger and thirst for God's presence, providence, and power the most. Oh, I know He's always there with arms wide open continually trying to show me glimpses of Heaven; however, I tend to be so much more aware of His hand in my life during the difficult times. His voice does not leave you or I, but my receiver always works best during the trying periods. I tune in better during those times. I wanted to share with you a few of those precious times during 2008 and 2009 when I heard Him speak to me.
After having discomfort in one of his testicles, my husband, Mike, went to the doctor and was told that he may likely have testicular cancer. The way they find out for sure is by surgically removing the area of concern and running tests to see if it is, indeed cancerous. After Mike had his surgery, the doctor told him that he may need to do radiation treatments as insurance; to make sure they removed all of the possible cancer cells from his body. At this time, we were trying to get pregnant with another child. We feared that if it was cancer, and if they recommended radiation, this might possibly prevent us from getting pregnant a second time. I remember telling some girlfriends about our desire to get pregnant. I teared up, explaining that Mike was likely going to have to do radiation treatments. I also told them how I was worried about the effect the radiation might have on our chances of conceiving. Fortunately though, God had a plan. Little did I know at the time, that I was already pregnant with our second child.
God blessed us with this special news on the same day that Mike received his test results back. He did indeed, have testicular cancer. The good news of the pregnancy was a ray of hope in the midst of the bad news blow of cancer. God's timing is always perfect! When Mike was at his doctor visit, completing his last round of radiation, I was in the waiting room reflecting over our past several months. It hit me that we found out the sex of the baby on the same day that his radiation treatments were ending. I was excited to tell Mike what God had brought to my attention. When Mike came out into the waiting room, he began to speak to me. He was on the table getting his last treatment, and he had just realized the special timing of his radiation treatments ending and us finding out the sex of the baby on the same day! It was as if a chapter had been started and completed for us. It was a very special moment as we realized that God told us both in our Spirits at the same time that this was due to His perfect timing. It was another way of God showing us, that He was with us. We were going to have our first baby girl!
Unfortunately, we later found out that the pin point targeted radiation treatments were unsuccessful in curing Mike. They found cancer cells in a different area in Mike’s body. We were told that chemotherapy would be the next step. When Mike began his chemo treatments, we had been blessed with our healthy baby girl, Lydia, who was a few months old now. As you can imagine, the sleepless nights a new baby brings, adjusting to a new routine, an energetic 3 year old boy, and a husband who was sick due to the chemo treatments was a tough combination. It was rough at first; however, God was still with us and He blessed me again in a huge way.
My exhaustion and pity party that I had for myself the first few weeks began to turn into great strength, energy, and joy in the midst of our situation. Brothers and Sisters at church would come up to me and ask me how I was coping with everything. I would tell them that I was doing really good, and I could see their amazement to my response. Some of them would question me and make sure my response was genuine. I reassured them that I really was doing good. I told several of them that I felt as if I had been given an energy that was not my own. I told them that I knew that it was from God because I had never felt anything like it. To a few of my friends, I specifically described it as a supernatural strength and energy. It greatly comforted and sustained me during that difficult season.
Quite some time after Mike’s chemo treatments were over, we were laying in bed one night talking. He told me that he had prayed for me during the entire time of his chemo treatments; and that he had specifically requested that God fill me with His supernatural strength. I looked at him in astonishment when I put two and two together! I realized that God had answered Mike’s faithful prayers during that time. For Mike to consider me, and pray for me like he did in the midst of his own sickness and suffering, and for God to answer his prayers exactly as he requested will touch me for the rest of my life! My love and appreciation for my husband, and for God will continue to be forever changed for the better. Whenever I get down now, I definitely need to remember that time in my life, and what God did for me. He is so awesome!!!
My exhaustion and pity party that I had for myself the first few weeks began to turn into great strength, energy, and joy in the midst of our situation. Brothers and Sisters at church would come up to me and ask me how I was coping with everything. I would tell them that I was doing really good, and I could see their amazement to my response. Some of them would question me and make sure my response was genuine. I reassured them that I really was doing good. I told several of them that I felt as if I had been given an energy that was not my own. I told them that I knew that it was from God because I had never felt anything like it. To a few of my friends, I specifically described it as a supernatural strength and energy. It greatly comforted and sustained me during that difficult season.
Quite some time after Mike’s chemo treatments were over, we were laying in bed one night talking. He told me that he had prayed for me during the entire time of his chemo treatments; and that he had specifically requested that God fill me with His supernatural strength. I looked at him in astonishment when I put two and two together! I realized that God had answered Mike’s faithful prayers during that time. For Mike to consider me, and pray for me like he did in the midst of his own sickness and suffering, and for God to answer his prayers exactly as he requested will touch me for the rest of my life! My love and appreciation for my husband, and for God will continue to be forever changed for the better. Whenever I get down now, I definitely need to remember that time in my life, and what God did for me. He is so awesome!!!
In His Arms,
Tonya Jett Jones
Colossians 1:10-12
And we pray this in order than you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.
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