Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Part 2 (Tonya & Mike Jones)

There was also another gift from God that greatly encouraged me and helped me to endure during Mike's illness. Mike was pretty sickly, but he would have good days and bad days during his treatments. There was a Saturday when Mike was having a good day, and our family decided to head out to do a quick shopping trip to Costco; to get some basics. After we had finished most of our shopping, I came across some beautiful mums. They were so gorgeous and I wanted them so badly. However, we didn’t have any room in Lydia’s little stroller basket. Both kids were getting tired; it was close to nap time. We didn’t get a buggy because we only needed to grab a few items. To purchase the mums, I was going to have to go back up to the front of the store, get a buggy, then go back to the back of the store, grab them, then go back up front…you get the idea. I wanted them so badly! They were so beautiful.  

However torn, I gave it up since everyone was expiring. I told Mike that maybe I could come back during the week some time and get them. Saturday passed, and when we woke up Sunday morning, Mike was feeling good enough to try to make it out to church. As we were backing out of the garage door, I noticed a big, beautiful pot of mums sitting down on the ground in between the two garage doors! I looked at Mike and thought, how could he have done that? I realized quickly that he didn’t do that. I gasped with excitement, and jumped out of the car. I ran over, picked up the card sitting in the mums, and read it. It was from our precious neighbors across the street, Mrs. And Mrs. Heffington, who also attend services with us at Crossbridge. The card said something along the lines of how they were thinking about us and wanting to do something to let us know that we were on their minds, and that they were praying for us. I couldn’t believe it!! How could she have known?

When I later saw her at church, I told her thank you for the mums, and asked her how she knew that I wanted mums. She said that she didn’t know that I wanted mums. She said that her and Ned were talking, and they were trying to figure out what they could do for us; to let us know they were thinking about us. She said, “Mums just popped into my head.” I then recapped the story to her of the experience I had at Costco the day before, and how I wanted some mums so badly. She was amazed. I told her that I knew who put the idea in her head. I then explained to her, that God was showing me He knew I wanted mums, and He was sending that gift to us, through His servant who listened to His voice. You see, any other flower would have simply been a sweet gift from the Heffingtons, but because it was mums, I knew that it was directly from Him to our family. He gave those to us, because He wanted us to know,  He was with us.

Throughout that difficult time, I definitely asked for and received His continual reassurance that He was watching over our family. He is patient and long suffering with us. If we come to Him asking for reassurance, He will do so, because He loves us that much. It reminds me of the story of Gideon; it is one of my favorites from the Bible. God is so good! He cares about all things concerning His children, big and small, just like we do our own children. He is in the details, and He has proven that to me over and over again in my life. I’m so thankful for His comfort and care. He can console a troubled heart like no other. Praise God! Mike has been healed of cancer!  We could never thank or appreciate our Heavenly Father enough for all that He has done for us. To Him be the glory forever, and ever, Amen!
In His Arms,
Tonya Jones

Judges 6:17
Gideon replied, "If now I have found favor in your eyes, give me a sign that it is really you talking to me."

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