Monday, June 13, 2011

Leap of Faith!

God speaks to us in a still, soft voice
 (1 Kings 19:11,12)
Three years ago, as I was sitting in church, God gave me this title, God Still Speaks! He put into my heart an idea for modern day Christians to start giving testimony of what He does for us. He gave me a vision of every Church having love letters/testimonies of the work He was doing in each of their churches. The people God chose in the Bible were regular people, just like us. Some were even criminals, murders, etc. But thank God He sees past our flaws and uses us despite ourselves! There is a tremendous need in the Church today to share with non believers as well as believers what God is doing in our lives; why we choose to follow Him. For this, He sent a helper:

"I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you in all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you." (John 16:12-15)

"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and self discipline." (2 Timothy 1:7)

When we are brought before the ruling authorities to give an account of our faith in Christ, to give testimony to faith, we are not to meditate what we will say beforehand for Jesus says He himself will give us a mouth and a wisdom that our adversaries will not be able to oppose or resist. (Luke 12:21-25)

Wow! Those are some powerful scriptures. One thing I have learned is that when God gives you an idea, most of the time, He gives it to others as well. I had taken a big leap of faith in God when I announced this idea at my church. I thought, "people are going to think I am crazy!" After I shared the vision, I had members come up to me, whom I had never met, and said God had put the same thoughts into their hearts. It was a huge confirmation to all of us! I pray that as you read this blog, you will see the work God has done in my life, as well as our church family. This blog will be open to others as well, who have testimonies to share. Now, let's get to some testimonies, shall we?

1 comment:

Tonya said...

Stacy, I'm so proud of you for being obedient and listening to God in this vision that He has for the churches. My husband, Mike, and I often talk about how one of the biggest things missing in the church today is the lack of testimonies being shared. We believe that often the power that "appears" to be missing in the church today has to do with this very thing. God is definitely here, and He is very powerful, but we must be talking of His mighty works in our lives! satan doesn't want us to share our testimonies about God and His active presence, provision and providence in our lives, because if we do then God gets all the glory. We must not let satan win; rather, we must glorify and praise God for all that He has done for us. Mike and I often talk about how we deeply desire to share all that God has done in our lives, and how there must be other Christians out there who have that same burning desire. Sometimes, all that is needed to help us fly, is for someone else to help us spread our avenue or a platform to encourage us to begin. This blog that you have created is such an avenue, and I'm thankful that you listened to His promptings and have begun this journey that He is taking us on into a focus on testimony and the Power that lies therein. Several years ago, God began prompting me to focus on testimony, and I came up with a book that I wanted to share one day titled "Faces of Christianity". When I told this to a friend one day, he made me aware that he had been given a very similar vision...he said to me, how about "Faces of
Faith". Even better I thought. I wanted to highlight each person by taking a photograph of them and displaying their portrait along with their testimony so that everyone could see their faces and read their stories of faith. Well, over the past several years all sorts of distractions got in the way of me acting upon this particular prompting that God had impressed upon me, and I never did step forward in obedience to this vision that He had revealed to me. But wait, what's so great is that it didn't matter! God is so good, and so big! He's going to get the job done whether we individually choose to participate or not. If we do participate, what blessings and growth are in store for us! God can accomplish any and all things through even just one obedient servant, so again I say thank you Stacy! I pray that this blog will touch the lives of many, even unto the nations. To Him be the glory, forever, and ever, Amen. In His Arms, Tonya Jones :)